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A Lesson from Kiara Reinhardt (Creighton University Volleyball Player)

This resource is based on a lesson we do every year in Leadership Academy based on the documentary “Unbeaten: The Life of Brook Berringer”. Even though this video is based on events almost 30 years old, the lessons resonant with our students today.
This is a resource I’ve wanted to put out for sometime, but I know most of you don’t have the time to show a 55 minute video and then have a conversation about it. Recently I stumbled across a shorter video on Twitter about Kiara Reinhardt, a current Creighton University Volleyball player, and much of her story is the same as Brook Berringer’s. Great teammate, high character, lost a starting spot, that didn’t change who she was, big impact despite a lesser role.
“Do not let your happiness depend on something you might lose.”
I believe, more than ever, coaches need to be intentional in training their athletes to be great teammates. Our current youth sports model does not promote the idea of putting the team before yourself. If you are going to build a TEAM FIRST culture, you are going to have to teach your student athletes how to be great teammates regardless of their role on the team, playing time, or personal accomplishments.
This video (~2 ½ minutes long) provides an opportunity to show your student athletes what it looks like to be a great teammate regardless of your circumstances.
Kiara Reinhardt, middle blocker for @CreightonVB, has seen her role shift since the start of her time with the Jays. That didn't stop the senior from battling back into a role on the court and continually demonstrating leadership, good sportsmanship and selflessness 🏐🔵 #GoJays
— Nebraska Public Media (@NebPublicMedia)
5:00 PM • Nov 3, 2024
After watching the video and giving the student-athletes the opportunity to share anything that stood out to them from the video.
“I realized when I got benched I still was WHO I was. I’m more than a volleyball player. I’m a great teammate. I know who I am as a woman.”
After a little discussion time, have your athletes complete this TEAMMATE GPA form. I would encourage you to collect and read through what they wrote. If what they wrote is not in alignment with what you are seeing, it would be wise to have a conversation with them
“Your value comes from who you are and not from what you do.”
Want to go “ALL IN” on this lesson?
If you want to make the time to go all in on this lesson then I highly recommend that you watch “Unbeaten: the Life of Brook Berringer” with your team. If you do, one word will be heard over and over again in the viewing of this powerful video…CHARACTER!
The lessons our leadership academy students take away from Brook’s story would benefit every sports or activity team!
If you found value in today’s newsletter, please share this link with someone you think would find value in it as well!