Building Your Own House

Evaluating the Habits that Drive Your Performance

In our work as high school teachers and coaches we see athletes and students sabotage their own work and pursuit of their goals with poor choices made outside of practice and school related to nutrition, time management, sleep, and other areas.

We believe poor choices in these areas are cultural problems within a team. Get athletes making better decisions in these areas and, in time, it will have a positive impact on your program.

“Self-sabotage is created by the gap between what you know and what you do.”

Tony Robbins

This video and the activity that follows is part of a series of “MENTAL WORKOUTS” that we provide as follow-up lesson for athletes who attend one of our CONFIDENCE CAMPS. It is designed to help them evaluate the habits they have outside of practice. I use this activity with my own team three times each year: 1 month before the start of the season, in the 1st week of the season, and one month out from our state meet.

The main lesson behind “BUILDING YOUR OWN HOUSE” is personal responsibility and ownership in their own growth and their support of the pursuit of their goals. We all choose how we build our “house” the key is make intentional choices to build it with the best materials!

ACTIVITY: How are You Building Your House?

Use this form with your athletes to give them an opportunity to evaluate the following habits that will impact their training and performance:

  • Nutrition

  • Time Management

  • Sleep

  • Other

I would encourage you to have them turn this in to you so you can see how they rated themselves and what they identified for action steps to improve. If you see common threads in many of your athletes, then you may want to consider bringing in additional resources to help support your team. See the additional resources below.

I believe that growth in each of these areas is a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE!



Are you interested in hosting a Confidence Camp at your school this summer? Respond to this email asking for more details. Ask about our Fundraiser Option to learn how you can host a camp and raise money for your program. You provide the space and help promote it, we do the work!


If you found value in today’s newsletter, please share this link with someone you think would find value in it as well!


When you use this activity, we’d love to know how it went for you & your team. If you have an idea to make it even better, we’d like to hear that as well. Reply to this email to share your thoughts!


Are you in need of a resource over a specific topic or issue to use with your team? Reply to this email with your request and you may see it show up in a future newsletter!